Friday 23 May 2014

All .Net Framework Offline Installer

You know .net framework is very importent things for every pc users. But sometimes it`s very painful when you can`t find offline installer  of .net framework. Althoug there are a lot of web installer link on the internet. But when your internet connection is very slow like a dailup internet connectin the net framework web installer  is a very big problem.
So after a lot of searching on google at last I find a fix.

Here is a article of where you can find all of the .net framework offline installer direct official link and thanks to for sharing with us.


NOTE: Check Which Version of Microsoft .NET Framework is Installed in Windows by cmd?
Jus open cmd and write this 

wmic /namespace:\\root\cimv2 path win32_product where "name like '%%.NET%%'" get version 

then enter wait, you have done.

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